With our DMCA takedown service, we remove unlawfully distributed 🌶️ content (images, videos, and files) of yours from the internet, regardless of which platforms you use.
DMCA Protection
As a content creator, you invest a lot of time and effort in creating your content - whether videos, images, or files. But in the digital age, your content can easily be distributed or copied without your consent. This is where our DMCA Takedown Service comes in. With our service and our specially developed Leak Removal System, we ensure that your copyrighted content is quickly and effectively removed from search engines and from platforms or websites where it has been illegally published. We handle the entire process, from identifying violations to submitting official DMCA Takedown Notices.
Legal Framework
A DMCA takedown is a legal process that allows copyright holders to request the removal of content that was published online without their permission. The process is based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and is commonly used to remove copyrighted content such as music, videos, images, or texts from search engines, websites, social media platforms, or other online services.
The terms DMCA Takedown, DMCA Notice, and Takedown Notice all refer to the same procedure based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). They are synonyms and describe the process where a notification is sent to a website or hosting provider to request the removal of copyrighted content. Although the wording may vary, the meaning and process remain the same: a rights holder demands the removal of illegally provided content. The crucial point is that all three terms follow the same legal framework and serve the same purpose.
DMCA Origins
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a US law introduced in 1998 to ensure copyright protection in the digital age. It targets the distribution of copyrighted content on the internet and prohibits the circumvention of copy protection mechanisms. Additionally, the DMCA provides a safe harbor for Internet service providers by allowing them to be protected from legal consequences as long as they respond to complaints from rights holders and remove copyright-infringing content. The law enables copyright holders to effectively combat violations through so-called "Takedown Notices".
Getting Started Together
You have the opportunity to get to know our service by creating an account and selecting a suitable plan. There you will gain access to your dashboard with all relevant functions. Alternatively, you can contact us directly. We will discuss your individual situation and show you how our service effectively protects your content, automatically detects violations, and handles the entire process for you. If you have any questions, our support team is available at any time via the in-app messenger.
Choose your plan now and protect your content from unauthorized distribution. Questions? Contact us now.